Enjoy Photos of Greater Falls of Tinkers Creek in Bedford OH

Great Falls of Tinkers Creek in Bedford Ohio

Waterfall photo Great Falls of Tinkers Creek Cleveland Metroparks

I enjoy seeing the waterfalls at Great Falls of Tinkers Creek in Bedford Ohio anytime of year. I get as close as possible and make every effort not to slip on anything. There are many ways to safely view the waterfalls. Autumn is an espedcially great time of year.

How do you get there and where is it located? You will find a small parking lot at Willis St, Bedford, OH 44264 next to a business. Just walk 1/4 of a mile down a path and you’ll get a full view of the waterfalls. There’s even a small tunnel that’s kind of fun. You just have to hunch over a bit. People of all ages will enjoy the adventure.

Learn more about Great Falls of Tinkers Creek.

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